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Cosimo Bombardieri Conductor and Composer


Composer, Conductor and Clarinetist


//  City of Origin: Stilo (RC), Italy

//  Lives: Brescia, Italy
//  Genres:  Classical and contemporary music
//  Activity:  2010- present



Studies Clarinet in Conservatory of Reggio Calabria (IT)


Specialization in Clarinet (interpretation and composition) in Conservatory of Reggio Calabria (IT)


Studies Conducting in Musical theatre in Klaipėda (LT)


Studies Conducting in Academy Isolana of Isola del Liri  (IT)


Studies band conducting and Instrumentation- Conservatory of Cosenza (IT)


Studies Composition in Conservatory of Bergamo (IT)


Studies Conducting in Conservatory of Palermo  (IT)


Professor of Composition and Analysis at Music high school (2022), Artistic Director of the "Hymn of the Camonica Valley" Composition Competition, Principal conductor of the Borgo Wind Orchestra (Italy), Music Director of the ANBIMA Band of Brescia (Italy)

Founder and principal conductor of the youth orchestra "A. Sersale", he has a ten-year active of numerous concerts both in Italy and abroad, with a repertoire that goes from the 1700s to present.

He graduated in Clarinet and completed specialisation focusing on interpretation/composition at the Conservatory of Reggio Calabria (Italy). He improved his studies with masters V. Mariozzi and S. Novelli. He has achieved the 2nd prize at the National Competition "P. Benintende" (98/100), soloists’ section. He carried out an intense activity as soloist by performing numerous concerts in Italy and abroad such as Italian Clarinet Academy, Theater “F. Cilea”, University of Kaunas, Klaipėda State Musical Theatre Symphony Orchestra, University of the Third Age, etc.

He graduated in band conducting and Instrumentation with A. De Paola at the Conservatory of Cosenza and specialized with: Thomas Franschillo (USA), Lino Blanchod (Italy), Hardy Mertens (Netherlands) and Francisco Grau Vegara (Spain). He rediscovered and adapted the music of the period of the French revolution (Gossec, Catel, Méhul), with the first performance in modern times at the Band of the Italian Army, under his conduction. later with the same Band he performs another Concert on the music of V. Persichetti. He has reworked in a modern way the solo concerts of R. Rimsky-Korsakov, performed under his conduction at the Conservatory of Music of Cosenza.

He specialized in Orchestral Conducting at the Isolana Music Academy with Francesco Lanzillotta, studying the symphonic and operatic repertoire and he focused on the performance practice of the 1700s with Simone Ori. He studied with Stasys Domarkas at the University of Music of Lithuania Minor, he was David Crescenzi’s assistant at the opera houses of Romania (Cluj, Timisoara, etc.) in 2015 and specialized Master Conducting at the Palermo Conservatory with Antonino Fogliani. He performed the most important concert at the Auditorium "E. Morricone" with the Orchestra Roma Sinfonietta; at the Castle Viscogliosi with the Philharmonic Orchestra of Benevento; at the Greek theatre of Roccabernarda with Calabria's Orchestra; at the permanent theatre of Isola del Liri with orchestra AMI; at the University UNICAL with the orchestra of Cosenza, at the prestigious Myliu Palanga Festival (first Italian conductor) as guest conductor with the Palanga Town Orchestra; with the Stylus Orchestra for the anniversary of the two hundred years of the Police, Italy; for the 160th anniversary of Gabriele D'Annunzio, conducts the ANBIMA Band at the Vittoriale degli Italiani a concert with a world premiere; Conducts the concert for Brescia and Bergamo Capital of Culture 2023 with OFB of Brescia at the Old Church. He collaborated with the best soloists, receiving consents and appreciations. He graduated in Composition at the Conservatory of Bergamo with Master P. Cattaneo and improved his studies with Vito Palumbo e Girolamo Deraco.

His pieces have been published by the publishing houses:

- Preludio Music, Milan (IT)

- Mulph Edition, Nepi (IT)

- Eufonia, Pisogne (IT)

- BAM Music, Les Acacias Genève (CH)

- Editions Bim Sàrl, Sion (CH)

- Golden Hearts Publications, Hiroshima (JP)

- BAS Publishing Co., Athens, Ohio (US)

- Seolta Music, Ltd. Dublin, (IRE)

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